Welcome to this week’s edition of Kadishat- St Charbel’s Parish weekly newsletter.
This Sunday, the Maronite Church reflects on the story of the two disciples who encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). The disciples were grieving and had their doubts and questions. Jesus approached them and transformed their sadness into happiness and set their hearts on fire. We too, the Christians of this day and age, need to let Jesus approach us to help us understand the Scriptures and to encourage us to proclaim the Good News and share our experience with our Lord, risen from the dead. To read more about this week’s readings and the news of our parish, please click on this link for the full PDF version of KADISHAT with Arabic translation
Relics of St Faustina at St Charbel’s Church
We are pleased to announce that the Relics of St Faustina will be coming to St Charbel’s Church on Friday 27 April 2012 at 7pm. Prayers will be held in the Church from 7pm in Arabic and from 8.30pm in English. All parishioners are welcome to come receive a blessing from the relics of St Faustina, the Apostle of the Divine Mercy.
President of Lebanon at St Charbel’s Church and College
As you may be aware, the President of Lebanon, His Excellency General Michel Sleiman, and Mrs Wafaa Sleiman, First Lady of Lebanon, were at St Charbel’s Church and College on Thursday 19 April. The Bishops of the Eastern Churches along with the community and students of St Charbel’s gathered to welcome the President and to pray together for Lebanon and its people.
We thank every person who helped us organise this event and we ask the Lord to look over Lebanon and keep it truly “a message of freedom and an example of pluralism for both the East and the west” as Blessed John Paul II said in Lebanon in 1997.
Most Rev Abbot Tannous Nehme is still in Australia. He will be returning to Lebanon this Wednesday. We thank him for coming to be with us on this historic occasion and we wish him and Fr Claude a safe return to Lebanon.
I wish you all a good week and I hope to see you all at Church this Sunday!
20th Year—Number 1005 Sunday 22/04/2012
Season of the Resurrection
3rd Sunday—The two Disciples of Emmaus
Sunday’s Readings: Timothy 2: 8-13 & Luke 24: 13-53
Were not Our hearts burning within us

They stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him, ‘Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?’ He asked them, ‘What things?’ They replied, ‘The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucified him.
But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things took place.
Moreover, some women of our group astounded us. They were at the tomb early this morning, and when they did not find his body there, they came back and told us that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who said that he was alive.
Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but they did not see him.’ Then he said to them, ‘Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.
As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, ‘Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.’ So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight.
They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’ That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying, ‘The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!’ Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread. ” Luke 24: 13-53
Reflection of the Week
In today’s gospel two of Jesus' followers are walking along the road from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus. Only one of them is named - Cleopas. They are walking along this road, completely disappointed, their lives turned upside down, their hopes for the future dead and buried. And a stranger appears beside them.
This theme of recognition is repeated through the Resurrection stories. Mary doesn't recognise Jesus when he appears to her in the garden; when he shouts out to the disciples in the boat from the lakeside - they don't recognise him. Even to those who knew him best, the Risen Lord appears as one unknown - as a stranger.
This theme of recognition is repeated through the Resurrection stories. Mary doesn't recognise Jesus when he appears to her in the garden; when he shouts out to the disciples in the boat from the lakeside - they don't recognise him. Even to those who knew him best, the Risen Lord appears as one unknown - as a stranger.
An interesting companion
As they walk, their companion begins to explain the scriptures for them, pointing out the footprints of God through the history of their people, and especially the footsteps of God that would lead to the coming of Jesus into the world. Then he went over them again and explained what the coming of God into the world must be like - not a coming in power and might and majesty - but a coming into the world that embraced the whole of human life - fear and loneliness, suffering and pain, even death. The travellers are fascinated by his teaching, but he remains to them an interesting companion, no more than that.
He waits to be invited in
Darkness is falling and Cleopas with his friend and their stranger-companion arrive at the house in the village. The stranger pressed on, as if he were travelling further that night. But Cleopas and his friend stopped him, inviting him to stay and eat with them.
God will not press himself upon us, he will not force his way into your life. God acts as our companion on the road and waits to be invited in so that he might draw us closer to himself.
When He breaks the bread they recognise him
As they sit down to eat, Jesus, acting as host, breaks the bread as the meal begins. And it is now that Cleopas and his friend recognise the risen Lord. Who knows why this moment was special. Cleopas and his friend were not at the last supper, so the breaking of the bread doesn't hold those memories for them. There is an unexplained moment of revelation.
Their life has changed
They have walked with the Risen Lord as a stranger, the have talked with the Risen Lord as a companion, they have invited the Risen Lord into their home as a friend, and now the Risen Lord becomes real to them and turns their lives upside down. This moment of revelation speaks so much. it speaks to their hearts and their lives are changed. They are no longer lonely travellers; they are ambassadors for Christ, Good News tellers.
What about you? Would you recognise the face of the risen Lord if he drew alongside you today? Would you invite him to your life?
Cleopus and his friend
* They were blind: they did not recognise Jesus. Blind Eyes/Hearts—like many of us. Seeing only what we want to see.
* They were sad: Jesus was dead and now they have no hope.
* They were slow: we are often like that. Not recognizing what is all around us. We feel helpless by our circumstances, missing the help and truth all around us.
* They recognised Jesus: They finally see Jesus when He broke the bread.
* They had a sense that God was at work.
* They rejoiced and became the Good-News tellers.
So we are called
To meet on the road with the poor, the despairing and the weak.
To see the Spirit of God within them as Christ walked the Road to Emmaus, so we are called to walk along-side the defeated and despairing and offer them life and hope and the Good News of the Gospel.
Saints Of The Week
April 23 rd Feat day of Saint George, Martyr (4th C)
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Saint George was born about 275-281 and died April 23, 303. He was born in the then Greek speaking Anatolia, now modern Turkey. He is one of the most venerated saints.
Saint George, the patron saint of the city of Beirut. was a Christian officer in the Roman army, consecrated his life to defend the Church, (which is symbolized in icons of him as the daughter of a king) against the attacks of Satan (the dragon).
According to tradition he was martyred in the third century for his faith in Christ and was buried at Lydda in Palestine. A great church was erected over his tomb and the dedication of this church is celebrated on November 3rd.
The devotion to this saint has spread throughout the East and the West; the faithful of all rites and nations count him as one of their own. The Cathedrals of Beirut and Sarba are dedicated to him as are a great number of other sanctuaries throughout Lebanon. He is the patron of England, the army, young people and scouts. May his prayers be with us. Amen.
According to tradition he was martyred in the third century for his faith in Christ and was buried at Lydda in Palestine. A great church was erected over his tomb and the dedication of this church is celebrated on November 3rd.
The devotion to this saint has spread throughout the East and the West; the faithful of all rites and nations count him as one of their own. The Cathedrals of Beirut and Sarba are dedicated to him as are a great number of other sanctuaries throughout Lebanon. He is the patron of England, the army, young people and scouts. May his prayers be with us. Amen.
The Maronites and Lebanon (7)
From Adoun To Maroun (2)
What sort of plan did St. Abraham use?

He rented a house where he and his followers prayed and sung divine hymns for four days. When the inhabitants discovered the strangers and heard unfamiliar songs, they organised a meeting of the entire town and decided to suffocate St. Abraham and his companions by putting a large quantity of poisonous powder in their house.
St. Abraham and his friends kept singing and praying. Impressed by their behaviour, the people decided to release them and asked them to leave the town. It was at this time that government tax collectors visited the village to collect taxes.
When they found that the citizens did not have the required amount they mistreated them. St. Abraham was upset at this and promised the tax collectors that he would pay the amount owed by the village - he borrowed the money from a friend of his from Homs to pay the taxes.
The people, amazed at his magnanimity, asked St. Abraham to be their leader. St. Abraham agreed on one condition - that the inhabitants embraced the Catholic faith. Thus the people of the village were converted and built a church and St. Abraham was their priest and leader. After 3 years of preaching he appointed one of his followers to replace him and he decided to return to his hermitage. When Christianity spread in Afqa the Adoun river was changed into the Ibrahim River.
What about St. Simon Styllites?
He was one of St. Maroun’s followers, he decided to live in open air and carried on with an unique monastic life. For 37 years he lived on the top of a 70ft tall pillar, without any shelter, on the hill of Telanissos between Aleppo and Antioch. News of his miracles and sanctity reached the furthest countries of Europe and Asia.
Pilgrims used to visit him seeking counseling and healing. A group of people from the mountains of Lebanon (Jibbe) visited him asking for his blessing and help against the wild beasts which were threatening their lives and their cattle.
St. Simon asked if they were Christians. On receiving a negative answer he recommended to them that they should receive Baptism. They agreed and returned to their villages accompanied by priests, who taught them the Catholic Faith and asked them to place crosses around their villages to protect them against the beasts.
When they did this, the attacks stopped. The crosses were set up in the area of the cedars in North Lebanon, on top of the hills of Tanourine, Hasroun, Hadshit, Becharre, Ehden, Aitou and elsewhere. Even today, the people of Jibbe still pray to St. Simon when their water resources dwindle. Many churches were built in honour of St. Simon in Lebanon - especially in the north. On St. Simon’s feast day the Maronites hold lavish festivals.
What can we deduce from this?
Pilgrims used to visit him seeking counseling and healing. A group of people from the mountains of Lebanon (Jibbe) visited him asking for his blessing and help against the wild beasts which were threatening their lives and their cattle.
St. Simon asked if they were Christians. On receiving a negative answer he recommended to them that they should receive Baptism. They agreed and returned to their villages accompanied by priests, who taught them the Catholic Faith and asked them to place crosses around their villages to protect them against the beasts.
When they did this, the attacks stopped. The crosses were set up in the area of the cedars in North Lebanon, on top of the hills of Tanourine, Hasroun, Hadshit, Becharre, Ehden, Aitou and elsewhere. Even today, the people of Jibbe still pray to St. Simon when their water resources dwindle. Many churches were built in honour of St. Simon in Lebanon - especially in the north. On St. Simon’s feast day the Maronites hold lavish festivals.
What can we deduce from this?
Both stories provide clear evidence that the areas of the Lebanese mountains were populated. With St. Abraham the hermit and St. Simon Styllites, the spiritual dominance over the Lebanese mountains changed gradually from “Adoun to Maroun” - both names in Aramaic mean “The lord.” This dominance originated from the regions Afqa - Akoura, and Jibbe. Thus the greater part of the Lebanese mountains accepted the Catholic faith in the first half of the 5th Century.
Next Sunday: The foundation of the Maronite Church